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beste schoonheidssalon in amsterdam
Article 1 About
Chayenne Sefanja aesthetic Clinic, KvK-number: 88936562, is a private company, located at Kinkerstraat 62A, 1053DZAD Amsterdam. Chayenne Seinpaal is the legal representative of Chayenne Sefanja Aesthetic Clinic.
The address of our website is www.Chayennesefanja.com
Chayenne Sefanja aesthetic clinic is the clinic in Amsterdam, where you can go for PMU, Brow and Wax treatments.
You can reach Chayenne Sefanja in the following ways:
E-mail: info@chayennesefanja.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/ChayenneSefanja.clinic
Via the contact form on our website
Via WhatsApp
Through our online booking system
You can find our house rules on this page
Chayenne Sefanja Aesthetic Clinic is certified by Jolange opleidingen and conforms to all quality standards set by the GGD.
Article 2 Applicability
These general terms and conditions apply to all our offers, including all (medical) (treatment) agreements that we conclude with you. These general terms and conditions also apply in the event of additional work or a follow-up agreement. Before the agreement is concluded (distance contract), we will provide you with these terms and conditions.
Deviation from these terms and conditions is only possible if the parties agree explicitly and in writing. If the parties agree, the deviation only applies to the agreement for which the deviation has been agreed. You cannot rely on that deviation for other (future) agreements with us.
We may unilaterally amend or supplement these general terms and conditions. We are always allowed to make changes and / or additions, of a minor nature and / or of minor importance. We will discuss changes and / or additions, major in nature and / or demonstrably to your disadvantage with you in advance.
Your (general) terms and conditions, where applicable, are explicitly rejected.
Our general terms and conditions also apply if the services of third parties are used in the execution of the agreement.
If one or more provisions of these general terms and conditions are at any time partially or completely void or annulled, the other provisions will remain fully applicable. The parties will enter into consultation to agree on new provisions, to replace the annulled or voided provisions. The purpose and scope of the original provisions will be respected as much as possible.
Article 3 Our offer
On our website, you will find all treatments that are carried out by Chayenne Sefanja Aesthetic Clinic. We provide you with all the necessary (detailed) information, so that you know exactly what you choose for and what you pay for. More specifically, this concerns:
The price including taxes;
All necessary information regarding the treatment and the associated treatment methods;
The way in which the (treatment) agreement will be concluded and which actions are required for this;
The method of payment, delivery and implementation of the (treatment) agreement;
The method of payment, delivery of products;
Whether or not the right of withdrawal applies;
Whether the (treatment) agreement will be archived after it has been concluded, and if so, how it can be consulted by you;
The way in which you, before concluding the agreement, can check the data provided by you and, if desired, restore it;
Article 4 Procedure, prior permission and treatment agreement for treatments
After we have received your booking via our booking system (currently treatwell) you will recieve a confirmation email. We will provide all the required information (pre and after care ) before the treatments and we will also ask you to complete a questionnaire in advance,so that you can inform us in time about all necessary (medical) information, which may be important with regard to the treatment.
We will only start with a treatment after we have received your explicit and written permission for this.
If you are between 12 and 16 years old, you can book a wax treatment. We will need the consent of your parent(s) who exercise(s) authority or, if applicable, of your guardian, in addition to your permission.
From the age of 16, you are also very welcome for a treatment for Brow Henna, lamination and/or semi-permanent make-up.
Article 5 Agreement
An agreement is only concluded:
As soon as you accept the offer in the clinic, whereby you accept the payment obligation and agree to our terms and conditions as well;
After you have accepted the treatment agreement and these general terms and conditions in writing as well and confirmed to us in writing and you have met any conditions set.
Unless the parties agree otherwise, the agreement ends:
By operation of law, after the parties have fulfilled their (mutual) obligations under the agreement, whereby the invoice has been paid by you;
When the professional concerned is of the opinion that there are valid reasons to terminate the agreement prematurely.
All agreements are entered into under the suspensive condition (s) of (sufficient) availability of:
(health) care professional(s) for the execution of the desired treatment;
Article 6 Allergy
Although our treatment and cosmeceutical brands take the utmost care in developing the products, unfortunately, in exceptional cases, an allergic reaction can occur when using them. Because each person is unique, an allergic reaction cannot be accurately predicted in advance. Therefore, always try a small amount of a product on a non-visible area before using the product. A renewed or modified product should always be tested again before it is used.
Unfortunately, because ChayenneSefanja Aesthetic Clinic cannot predict whether an allergic reaction will occur, ChayenneSefanja Aesthetic Clinic is not responsible for it. In case of an allergic reaction, Chayenne Sefanja can always be contacted if there are any questions.
Article 7 Execution of the agreement, delivery and best efforts obligation
We execute the agreement according to the requirements of good workmanship, whereby we retain the freedom to fulfill the assignment as we see fit.
We may, without you having to give your prior consent, use (the services of) third parties in the execution of the agreement.
We execute the agreement on your behalf. Third parties cannot derive any rights from (the content of) the work performed and / or products delivered by us, under whatever name or title.
It is your responsibility to provide us with all relevant data and information in a timely manner, which we indicate that we need for the execution of the (treatment) agreement or of which you should reasonably understand that we need it for the execution of the (treatment) agreement. In the meantime, we have the right to suspend the execution of the agreement. If costs arise from this, we have the right to charge you for these.
At our request, you must identify yourself with a legally recognized proof of identity.
We have the right to refuse to carry out a treatment, in accordance with the legal regulations.
We all have a best efforts and delivery obligation. We can therefore never guarantee that our treatments and / or products meet your expectations and / or will lead to a certain result. After all, expectations are personal and tastes can differ. You are therefore not entitled to (damage) compensation if our treatments do not meet your expectations or the result is not the result you intended.
No rights can be derived from our planning.
Article 8 Changes to the assignment
If you want to change and / or supplement the agreement, please let us know as soon as possible (preferably in writing). Every change and / or addition is treated as an additional assignment. We will first let you know whether and, if so, what costs we will charge for this. It is up to us to determine whether we can and will implement the change and / or addition. Changing and / or supplementing an agreement can have consequences for the possible implementation and delivery period (s).
If during the execution of the agreement appears that there are circumstances whereby the agreement must be amended or supplemented, we will inform you as soon as possible and we will enter into consultation with you. If a change or addition has financial consequences, we will also discuss this with you first!
Article 9 Prices and payment
Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all prices are:
● Including VAT;
● Excluding any other government levies;
● Excluding any (additional) costs that we (have) had to incur when carrying out the assignment.
We have the right to adjust our prices / rates of both the treatments and our products in the meantime.
It is custom that we provide our invoices digitally.
If we ask you to pay (part of) the invoice (for a treatment) in advance, we will start the execution of the agreement as soon as we have received the advance payment on our account. Advance payments are deducted from the total invoice. You have to pay the remainder of a treatment at the clinic on the day of and after your treatment. Preferably, you pay by pin.
It is possible that the execution of an agreement takes longer than 30 days or that the execution is carried out in stages ( touch- up or follow-up treatment) appplicable to PMU treatments.
Article 10 Intellectual property right and right of use
Intellectual property right is a collective term for rights established on a work. They protect the person who created the work against the use, copying or exploitation of that work by others without the permission of the creator.
All intellectual property rights arising from the agreement belong to us. This also applies to concepts and / or proposals that have not been implemented. You may not copy or exploit any of our expressions, our services (treatments) without our explicit and written permission.
Unless the work does not lend itself to this, we have the right to have our (company) name mentioned on or with the work or to have it removed.
Article 11 Suspension, termination and cancellation of the agreement
Our booking conditions are applicable,
We have the right to suspend the agreement or to terminate it with immediate effect if:
● You do not, not fully or not timely fulfill your obligations with regard to the agreement;
● After entering into the agreement, we have become aware of circumstances that give us good reason to
take into question if you will be able to fulfill your obligations;
● Due to delay on your side, we can no longer be expected to fulfill the agreement under the originally
agreed conditions;
● If circumstances arise of such a nature that fulfillment of the agreement will be impossible.
If we can attribute the suspension or termination to you, then we have the right to recover any damage we suffer as a result from you.
If we cannot attribute the suspension or termination to you and if no treatments and / or products have been delivered by us yet, but you have already transferred a (down) payment to our account, we will refund this (down) payment within ten days to your account.
In the event of a (application for) suspension of payments or bankruptcy, of seizure on your side or if you rely on debt rescheduling, i.e. you can no longer freely dispose of your assets, then we are free to cancel the agreement immediately and with immediate effect. In that case, we do not owe you any compensation. Any claims we have on you will become immediately due and payable in the aforementioned situations.
To cancel a (treatment) agreement, you can send us an email after the conclusion of the agreement to info@ChayenneSefanja.com For canceling consultations and / or treatment appointments, less than 24 hours in advance, we remain the right to keep the deposit of 25%. If you do not appear or appear too late for the appointment, we have the right to charge you the full amount for this appointment / treatment, in addition to the cancellation costs. After all, we have reserved this time especially for you.
It is your responsibility to arrive on time. If you are late for whatever reason, we can no longer guarantee that the appointment and / or treatment can actually take place.
Article 12 Liability
We are only liable if and insofar as stated in this article.
We are only liable for an attributable shortcoming in the fulfillment of the agreement if you immediately, properly and in writing give us a reasonable period to remedy the attributable shortcoming and we still do so after the expiry of that reasonable period.
We are not liable for:
Your errors and / or shortcomings in the information, (address) data that you have provided to us;
Misunderstandings, errors or shortcomings with regard to the implementation of the agreement, if they are caused or caused by your actions or failures to act;
Errors or shortcomings of third parties engaged by or on behalf of you;
Damage caused by third parties;
Damage caused by treatments that you have had by another clinic;
Disappointing results and / or expectations from you (best efforts obligation!);
Failure to comply with the instructions or prescriptions given to you by us before, during or after treatment;
Misuse of our products or exposing the products supplied by us to abnormal conditions;
(Travel) costs you incur due to the delay in our consultation hours;
Damage or loss of personal belongings belonging to you during your visit to our clinic.
With the exception of cases of intent or deliberate recklessness on our side, liability for damage is limited to a maximum of the amount that the liability insurer pays out in a similar case. If the insurer does not pay out, the liability for damage is limited to the agreed price in the context of the agreement.
We are only liable for direct damage attributable to us. Liability for indirect damage, including consequential damage, loss of profit, missed savings is excluded.
Any form of liability expires 6 weeks after the (treatment) agreement has been completed.
We cannot be held liable/responsible for damage for which you yourself are insured.
You indemnify us against all claims from and by third parties, including the (reasonable) costs of legal assistance, which arise in any way from the agreement between you and us, except in the case of intent or gross negligence on our part.
Shortcomings in the performance of the agreement cannot be attributed to us if they are not due to our fault, nor are they my responsibility under the law, the agreement or generally accepted beliefs (force majeure).
Article 13 Force majeure
In the event of force majeure on our side, we have the option to suspend the execution of the agreement or, insofar and reasonably possible. We will inform you about this in a timely manner and in writing. In case of force majeure, however, we do not owe you (additional) (damage) compensation.
Article 14 Confidentiality and your file
If the parties become aware of certain information from the other party during the execution of the agreement, of which they (reasonably) know that it has a confidential nature, they will not disclose this information to third parties in any way. An exception to this applies if a statutory regulation or court decision requires disclosure or if you have given us your explicit and prior consent for this.
The obligation of confidentiality continues after termination of the agreement for as long as the party that provided the information can claim the confidential nature of the information.
All data regarding your treatments are carefully stored by us in a personal file. You can request to destroy your file upon request. However, we will not destroy your file as soon as the law opposes destruction or if the retention of the file is of substantial importance to someone other than the patient.
Article 15 Complaints
If you have a complaint about the execution of the agreement, we would like to be informed. We have a complaints procedure for such cases.
It is your responsibility to report a complaint to us in writing within a reasonable time after you have discovered a defect. You must describe your complaint completely and clearly.
You will receive feedback from us within 14 days after we have received your complaint.
You must in any case give us four weeks to resolve a complaint in mutual consultation with you. If it is not resolved after this period of four weeks, a dispute arises.
Article 16 Privacy policy and website security
We think your privacy is very important and therefore we handle your data carefully.
In order to guarantee the security of the website as well as possible, we take the necessary measures and we will carry out the necessary updates or have them carried out in a timely manner.
Version 1.0 October 2023